Friday 31 October 2014

Teachings Of Swami Nithyananda: Chapter 7

This Blog section contains words of wisdom by Swami Nithyananda  for his Disciples

"Powers of Advaita. When you experience completion with Advaita, everything that Advaita promises will become reality in your life. Ability to understand anything, move everything, align everything as you want. That is what I call completion with Advaita.

When you achieve completion with any principle whatever is promised through that principle becomes part of you. For instance, if you complete with your father and mother, whatever is theirs belongs to you. When you experience completion with Advaita, everything that belongs to Advaita belongs to you. Everything is done to make you experience the great truth - Shivoham! Shivoham! Shivoham!

In vedic tradition we even use herbs to experience the Advaitic oneness - to awaken the Kundalini. The first time ever I am going to expose that science during the Cambodia Inner Awakening. As Patanjali says, Mani (Yantra) Mantra and Oushada (Medicine). The ultimate Yantra is Cambodia, the ultimate Mantra is Shivoham and the ultimate technique - Yantra - is the master's presence. When all three of them come together, alchemy happens. The whole program is going to be directly experience the transcendental experience of Shivoham. No theories. No theologies. No Phiolosophies. Direct Experience! The whole 21 days is going to be directly experiencing. Kriyas, Mudras, Bandhas, Pranayamas, Siddha herbs - everything is going to be used to awaken your Kundalini shakti to give you the experience of Shivoham - especially working on the third eye. Cambodia Inner Awakening is nothing to do with society. Nothing to do with others. Just between you and the cosmos. Not just the intelligent dimension of Advaita - the energy, shakti - dimension of Advaita. The mystical powers of Advaita. The transcendental space of Advaita."

Thursday 30 October 2014

Teachings of Swam Nithyananda : Chapter 6

This Blog section contains words of wisdom by Swami Nithyananda  for his Disciples
"The Human body is a miniature of the cosmos. In any enclosed space people who live start feeling a certain kind of union. If I awaken 10 people's Kundalini, the bio memory just jumps. If there are 100 kids in a village even if you give polio vaccine to 40% of them, the rest of them also are also not affected by the disease as a ripple effect. Temples are infrastructures built to optimize this transfer. All temples are the miniatures of the cosmos. The garba mandir is the energy source. Anyone who sits there will feel the strength and energy and vibration. 

The whole Cambodia infrastructure was created for mass enlightenment. And it was consistently used for mass enlightenment atleast 800 to 1000 years. Enlightened community becomes soft, sensitive and beautiful and forgets to handle weapons. Maybe the brutal attack on the community - whatever be the reason - the infrastructure is left without being used. I have decide to restart using. All the huge domes are amplifying mechanisms. 

This time I will demonstrate. Not only the 300 people who come with me will experience Kundalini Awakening, any tourist visiting at that time will experience Kundalini Awakening. People will be wondering "What is happening to me!". The vast infrastructure is built to transmit the enlightenment dosage. The structure was used to initiate at least 1 lakh people into Kundalini Awakening at a time! 

Temples are the expanded structure of the body used as a battery to awaken people into enlightenment."

Monday 6 October 2014

Teaching of Swami Nithyananda : Chapter 5

This Blog section contains words of wisdom by Swami Nithyananda  for his Disciples

"Making your inner image powerless is not ego-lessness. You have a mechanism to undermine you - under judge you. From the young age society makes you believe you should not be egoistic. But the definition of society's ego is stupid. It makes you believe constantly you have to attack your idea about you - your mamakara. This is one of the greatest misunderstandings that entered into Indian consciousness and Hindu conscience. When you feel self drive you somehow misidentify it as ego and cut it. It is so unfortunate. This kind of thinking will never lead you to ego-lessness.

Your imaginary idea of God is always imagined as different from you. That is wrong. The will happens in you is the word of the God. Somehow you are constantly made to believe that you should work to proving your will is not God. The internal censoring mechanism that tells your inner image that you are going to be a failure needs to be completed. Constantly having wrong inner image about you need to be completed. Understand wherever you are not able to live as Shiva is your incompletion. But that does not take away your quality of Shiva.

Humility is not thinking less about you. It is thinking about you less. "

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Teachings of Swami Nithyananda : Chapter 4

This Blog section contains the words of wisdom of Swami Nithyananda for his disciples.

"Biggest delusion you need to handle in life is that there is "something other than you". Everything exists IS you. Handling that delusion is very important. For that you have to know what or who as "other than you" and why you feel them as other than you. A bamboo floating in the Ganga can appear to split Ganga into two. But Ganga never became too. It is our enmity that makes it look like you and the other. Who you feel as your opponent or enemy or other.. and why you feel. When you go into it you will see the whole thing will boil down to your root pattern. 

Listen deeply! 

This is the principle through which you can experience Advaita - doing more and more completion with your desperation and anxiety. The good news is that, all the thoughts that can be completed just by one more thought - mere will - of "I need to complete" are the ones that cause desperation and anxiety. The root patterns that you need to complete are the real villains. Your anxiety and desperation are not real villains. They are just superficial. They are passer-by thoughts. The deepest delusion like "you exist separately from something" or "something exists separately from you" - which is the root case of your birth itself, only those patterns are villains with whom you have to fight.

When you complete with desperation and anxiety three things will happen 1) you will be sure about you 2) you will know who is your enemy and 3) why you feel enmity towards him or he feels enmity towards you. When you diagnose why you are afraid of your opponent, that reason - you are afraid they may kill you, put you in prison, take away your wealth, your peace, your family - whatever is the fear you are afraid, it is due that fear you will be torturing you more than your enemy torturing you. When you complete with that, the reason for the enmity will melt down. Whose inner space the reason for enmity has melted down, he is called "Sadhu". The reason for the fears have been completed. The more and more your reason for enmity gets completed, the more and more your enemy becomes powerless. All the tortures you experience through your enemy and your enmity can be completed. Completion does such POWERFUL thing of making your enemy powerless over you. Because the I and you, the gap melts down. The dam becomes a bamboo. The dam is the root pattern, the bamboos are casual thoughts.

More and more and more Samskara Dahana Kriya will melt down your anxiety patterns. It will make you understand who is your enemy and it will make the strength of your enmity melt down and you will experience the only one, the oneness. The cosmic oneness Advaita Sathya is experience just by PURE non violence. 

The illusory fear that the other part is going to harm you - which is NEVER going to happen - other than this fear itself. This foolish play is being played again and again and again by human beings. Whatever be you background, culture, religion, age, gender - EVERYONE - doing this same drama to themselves. Why? No answer. When the kids are playing by folding their long nail, there is no reason. But when the nail comes out, it is now painful. It is like the right hand and left hand fighting with two swords playfully but suddenly it became serious and they each start cutting the other hand without realizing they are hurting themselves. This is EXACTLY what you are doing to yourself. 

Do more and more completion to integrate the broken parts of your life. I bless you all. Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching and Causing with eternal bliss - Nithyananda!"

Saturday 27 September 2014

Teachings of Swami Nithyananda : Chapter 3

This Blog section contains the words of wisdom of Swami Nithyananda for his disciples.

"Today I will talk about how the science of completion can directly impact the consciousness you are carrying and the consciousness embodied in many bodies. 

The more deeper you go inside you, the more expanded you become - the more oneness you experience. The more you experience the unified field of consciousness - Atma, Brahman, Nirvana: whatever word you many use. You experience the vast oneness. The more superficial you are, the more incompletion you experience - even you fight with you. The more deeper you go, you get integrated. First you fighting with you stops. Then the people around you stop fighting with you - completion with others. Then comes completion with other things - even with inanimate things - with nature completion happens. Your cognition expands; includes; becomes more and more inclusive - more joy, more bliss, more enlightenment. Suddenly you will find everything around you listens to you. Power without the tendency to exploit. As long as you feel the other person is separate from you, power will always be used for exploiting. When you feel the other is your own exploitation, the power will not be exploiting - it will be enriching.

The best power you have is the power of enriching. The power of exploiting brings more and more conflicts within and without - and those conflicts bring more and more suffering. The power of enriching brings more and more completion in you and others. "

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Teachings of Swami Nithyananda : Chapter 2

This Blog section contains the words of wisdom of Swami Nithyananda for his disciples.

"On Listening

The frightened child wants to protect itself. But it wants to look good for the onlookers. So he says he is waging the war for the world - the world which cannot be destroyed. By its nature, your consciousness cannot be destroyed. Other than your desperation nothing can be killed; nothing needs to be killed. 

The idea you need to defend something - protect something - that aggression.. Because of the aggression you go on talking inside you. 

You talking to you is always incompletion. You listening to you is always completion. Whenever you associate yourself with the listening component of you, you are in completion. 

As of now both are happening - like the Mahabharata war field. Aggression cannot be talking when the listening is listening. When you get into the space of listening God - the Advaita Sathya - speaks to you. 

Understanding what you experience as you in the deepest corner of you when you are listening to you - what you feel as you - is the same as what others experience as them by every being existing is Advaita Sathya. 

All your fights - wars your waging - are your own one part fighting with your own other point. All attachment is your own part wanting another. The person desiring, the desire and the desired are one and the same. 

If you can master your eyes and make it not overflow, you can master the ocean and make it never overflow. It means the energy tat makes your eyes overflow and the ocean overflow ArE one and the same. 


When you associate yourself with the listening part of you and sit with you, you will enter into more and more and more completion. Especially when you sit with a water body. 

In Sanathana dharma we have a process called Ajapajapa - you listening to you chanting. The chanting - the aggressive action - is not emphasized. But the passive listening is emphasized. Passive listening leads to complete completion. Passive listening is the most powerful completion. 

This is the law of life - whenever your energy is put towards talking to you, you are getting into more and more incompletion. But the more and more you listen to you, you will enter into more and more completion. 

Completion introducing itself to you and making you achieve completion is satsang. Other than satsang any talk leads to incompletion. Any listening leads to completion. 

Listen! Listen! Listen!

Even good qualities like non violence, because of self doubt it cannot be called dharma. Everything has to be done from the right context. You should be non violent from the understanding that what you feel about them is the same as what they feel about them. Withdrawal because of self doubt is not dharma. 

Move towards completion more and more by listening to you."

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Teachings of Swami Nithyanada : Chapter 1

This Blog section contains the words of wisdom of Swami Nithyananda for his disciples.

Teachings of Swami Nithyananda : Chapter 1

"Unfortunately we have never been thought to think systematically. Your thinking can be binding you. Your thinking can be liberating you. For example if you think you can get food only by snatching it from the other person, you will snatch - steal. Your thinking itself will bring you down. It is your thinking that makes you whatever you are. It can be liberating you or suffocating you. I see so many people who have so many mental capabilities and so many disorders. Mind is the most powerful instrument. The right way of thinking is one of the most important thing in the human life. Just right thinking is enough to liberate you from ALL problems.

Kapila is the first person who developed and offered the science of liberated thinking to the world. When you have the liberated thinking, you will be sure about you. Certain about you. And you will be sure about who will be your friends. Who will be your enemies. You will then be certain about what your friends want from you and what your enemy wants from you. What world expects from you and what you are supposed to deliver the world. Understand, your enemy is not your world. He may be harassing you constantly. But never let your enemy guide your words and occupy your inner space. If you do that he will destroy your life. You should only what the real world wants from you. What you can add to the real world and enrich. Just like floating plants cover the water, the few stupid people will cover your eyes and make you believe they are the world.

You need to know what is the self, what is the world, what is Eshwara and what is humanity, who is your enemy and what is THE world. The more you cherish enemity towards anybody, anything the more you lose contact with reality. Because enmity is such it constantly reminds you about the enemy. And the enemy looks too bigger than what he is. Neither you need escape from him or destroy him, you just need to ignore him. Because he is not as big as you imagine. It is your enmity that makes the enemy big. It is your romance that makes you love big. It is the inside that makes anything that is outside larger-than-life size

The way you think should add more and more liberation to you, powerfulness to you, energy to you, completion to you, intelligence to you. No power can be equivalent to the power of completion into which you can fall asleep into Samadhi. Whether it is the power that comes by money, media or political power - no power can compare to the power of completion.. Thinking with the flow of completion is liberated thinking. It empowers you everyday.

Using your leg you can climb the hill or walk into the valley. Using your thinking you can bind yourself or liberate yourself. How to use your thinking to liberate yourself every moment voluntarily. First lesson you need to learn about thinking is: Thinking is voluntary. If you think thinking is involuntary you have already bound yourself. If your thinking is able to put you into the space of powerfulness, in the space of strength, that is enough. You will never bother to conquer somebody. Nevery bother to build enemies for yourself. And even if someone cherishes enmity towards you, they cannot do anything to you. Because you cannot be manipulated by the enemy. For enmity to be completed you must, like a "friend request", accept the "enemy request". Only if you accept the enemy request do they become your enemy. Do not be bothered, bound, by any of the so called enemy requests. If you don't have fear and if you don't cherish them as enemy, no enemy can do anything to you. Whatever they may try. It is the law of life.

Never allow your enemies to put their influence into your decision directly or indirectly. If it is, it is equivalent to getting poisoned. Don't do something just to irritate them. Don't do something just to avoid them. That is liberated thinking.

Look at the actual world to whom you need to cater, to offer. whom you need to enrich. Let them be in front of your cognition. Let them be influencing the way you think, speak, behave. The way you speak, not just others are listening, even you own inner being is listening. The joy, clarity you radiate not only fills others, it fills you also. When people send you enemy request and you don't accept, you terrorize the people who cherish enmity towards you. The moment you accept the enmy request whether you do what they want or the opposite of what they want, you are gone. Never accept the "enemy request".

Sankya teaches you the science of liberated thinking. Wherever no one can have influence over your thinking. No one can have power over your thinking. No one can have any say over the way you think, act. The complete liberation. Complete spiritual liberation you will experience when you do not accept enemy-requests. If you do, you would have wasted your life answering them directly or indirectly. The powerless state where even you cannot handle you is the worst hell. The worst suffering that can happening to a human being is being ideologically imprisoned. Carrying suffocated thinking instead of liberated thinking. Do not accept "enemy requests" that puts you in the space of powerlessness. Go on contributing to the world. Enriching the world."